Friday, October 31, 2008

The Sky Toilet

I'm beginning to get settled into my new job at the University of Dayton. I work on the ground floor of the library. In my case, "ground floor" means that if approached from the north it's the first floor, but if approached from the south it's the basement. Anyway, it's very nice. I share an office with another developer I work closely with, which so far has been a very helpful arrangement.

The library has seven floors (eight if you count my ground floor) and there is something very special about the men's bathroom on the top floor. It features The Sky Toilet...

It's called The Sky Toilet for three reasons:
  1. Altitude. It's on the seventh floor.

  2. The Sky Toilet is positioned right next to a huge window. This gives the pooper a spectacular aerial view of much of campus. Consequently, this also seemingly exposes the toilet-user to the frequent bustle below.

    This, my friends, is the view from the Sky Toilet. I know the picture isn't too good. There wasn't any bustle at the time and the sun was glaring. But nature doesn't always call when it's best for a photo. You get the point.

  3. The toilet seat itself is several inches higher than what is standard. Honestly, my feet do not reach the floor when I use the Sky Toilet.

It's a real thrill to use the Sky Toilet. I'm not sure why, but it's definitely cool. I think it's the novelty.

It is believed that a visitor to the Sky Toilet has no need to worry about people seeing them from below because the windows are tinted and no one looks up there anyway. I've noted that the lights are always off. This further obfuscates the window. Still, I personally keep an eye on the pedestrians below. I watch out for people looking skyward, pointing and giggling. Hasn't happened. Probably never will, but I'll keep an eye out...just in case.

Monday, October 6, 2008

This post has nothing to do with piranha.

Everyone should try stuff, right? If you don't enjoy it, at least you learned something, got the experience, and now have a story to tell.
(Note: By saying "everyone should try 'stuff'", I am not condoning the use of illegal drugs, fornication, Jihad, auto theft, impersonating a diplomat, suicide, homicide, genocide, some other kind of -cide, arson, cat juggling or anything else that could get you or I in orange jumper trouble.)

So why not try selling a house in the worst housing market since the Great Depression? Not exaggerating. they say. Media chaps do like to dramatize a bit. I've never sold a house before, so there's all kinds of fun things to experience for the first time. And just to make it more interesting, we'll move across the state and pay rent while still paying the mortgage. This ups the stakes. Why be boring?

My favorite new experience, thus far, is when someone drives by slow and nosy-like. As a mature, dignified adult, I frantically bolt to a window they probably can't see me through, and gawk back - willing them with my telepathic powers to call the realtor's number displayed on our sign. So far, no worky.

There haven't been any offers yet. Actually, only one couple has even stepped in to look. They were disappointed by the one-car garage...Buy two motorcycles and stop whining! But I fear someone someday will offer way low, and then when they adjust to my counter, the price will be in an awkward spot. What I mean by awkward is "too low but...". What I mean by that is if I wait a few more months for a better offer, I may break even when you account for the loss of mortgage payment I'd unnecessarily be incurring during those months.

I told you this had nothing to do with piranha.